About Delivrd

I help people buy cars, whether it's for their families or their businesses. With Delivrd, you're not just purchasing a vehicle; you're unlocking a wide range of benefits:

  • Tailored Guidance: Navigate the car-buying landscape with a personalized touch, ensuring the vehicle you choose aligns seamlessly with your needs and aspirations.
  • Informed Decisions: Leverage my insider expertise to understand the nuances of your chosen vehicle, ensuring you grasp every aspect of your purchase.
  • Advocacy at Every Turn: I work solely for you, not the dealerships. From negotiations to final decisions, my loyalty lies in representing your best interests.
  • Transparent Process: Say goodbye to hidden fees or surprises. With Delivrd, you're always in the loop, ensuring a smooth and transparent buying experience.
  • Lasting Satisfaction: Avoid post-purchase regrets. My mission is to ensure you drive off not just with a car, but with a decision you're proud of for years to come.
  • 100% ROI Guarantee: Every client I assist walks away with more than just their ideal car. The value I bring ensures that my fees effectively become zero, thanks to the exceptional deals and hidden opportunities I unearth during the journey. This is a track record I wear with pride.

Why I Started Delivrd

I left my successful career as one of the top 1% auto finance managers in the nation to launch Delivrd. This was my heartfelt response to a problem that has plagued the Automotive industry for years: Almost 40% of Americans experienced post-purchase buyer's remorse. This isn't just a statistic; it represents real individuals, real families, and real money.

I've dedicated most of my career to understanding the ins and outs of the automobile world. And now, I use that expertise to help my clients find the perfect car they will love for years.

Our Mission

It's not about getting you into any car; it's about ensuring you find the right car - one that resonates with your needs, aspirations, and life's journeys.

My mantra? Life's short. So why spend time doing things you don't like? The process of car buying doesn't always bring joy. Through Delivrd, I want to change this narrative to make the experience easy and fun.

I Work For You

I work for you, not the dealerships. In every transaction, every negotiation, and every decision, my sole allegiance is to represent your best interests and needs. And for the record, I never accept kickbacks or bonuses from car dealers or manufacturers. Your trust is invaluable, and I am dedicated to maintaining it.

A Little About Tomi

When I'm not working, I usually hang out with my trio of loyal companions, Pico, Max, and Daisy. On quieter days, I might be on the golf course, admiring the innovations in the auto realm or rooting for my beloved Steelers.

If you've ever felt overwhelmed or lost in the car-buying process, I invite you to join me. With Delivrd, we can rediscover the joy of finding the perfect car for you.




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